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时间:2023-05-14 02:39:01 | 来源:网站运营

时间:2023-05-14 02:39:01 来源:网站运营


Pinterest revealed today that more than 150 million people use its visual bookmarking and ideas service, with more than 75 billion “ideas” shared. This is a 50 percent increase from more than a year ago, when the company first revealed its usage numbers and declared it had 100 million monthly active users.

Pinterest首席执行官Ben Silbermann说,超过半数老用户和75%的新注册用户都是美国以外的用户。它也不再仅吸引女性,因为男性占到了40%,比去年增加了70%。
More than half of the people using Pinterest and 75 percent of new sign-ups are from outside of the U.S., according to company chief executive Ben Silbermann. And the service is no longer mainly attractive to women, as men make up 40 percent of the users, an increase of 70 percent from last year.

对某些平台来说,可能1.5亿月活跃用户不算什么,尤其是Facebook和Twitter。但Ben Silbermann有不同的看法:“Pinterest更像是个人工具,而不是社交工具。人们主要不是来看自己的朋友在做什么,而是来找一些新的idea来尝试,找到自己喜欢的,并在这些过程中发现更多的自己。”
For some, 150 million MAU may not seem like a lot, especially when compared to Facebook and Twitter. But Silbermann views it differently: “Pinterest is more of a personal tool, not a social one. People don’t really come here to see what their friends are doing…Instead, they come to Pinterest to find ideas to try, figure out which ones they love, and learn a little bit about themselves in the process.”

Another statistic the company shared is that Pinterest now serves 10 billion recommendations daily, the equivalent of 3 trillion a year. More than 150 million visual searches are performed monthly, and there are more than 1 million businesses on the service (compared to the 60 million on Facebook) with “tens of thousands” actively advertising.

It does appear that Pinterest’s growth has been helped along by some of its efforts over the past year, such as improving its visual search using the camera on a mobile device, rolling out a shopping bag, building out its engineering team to improve how pins are surfaced at the right time, debuting its version of trending topics, and lifting its affiliate link ban.

本文由牛牛社区编译,原文作者KEN YEUNG。转载请注明,并附上二维码或网址:Newclan Community。


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