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15158846557 在线咨询
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时间:2022-08-07 07:54:01 | 来源:网站运营

时间:2022-08-07 07:54:01 来源:网站运营

微信机器人有很多,比如之前的 itchat 是基于网页版实现的,然而现在微信网页版被封的厉害,许多账号都用不了了。找来找去发现 Wechaty 有基于 ipad 协议的实现,下面对其进行简单介绍。







CentOS 7



首先检查 Node 版本

node --version如果是 v10.16. 以下,需要先更新 Node。

创建文件夹,我的文件夹名字叫 wechatbot:

mkdir wechatbotcd wechatbotnpm init -ynpm install ts-node typescript -gtsc --init --target ES6touch bot.ts上面我们新建了文件 bot.ts,这个文件就是主程序了,我们把官方示例代码放到这个文件里,不要忘了把 token 和 name 改成你自己的:

// bot.tsimport { Contact, Message, Wechaty } from 'wechaty'import { ScanStatus } from 'wechaty-puppet'import { PuppetPadplus } from 'wechaty-puppet-padplus'import QrcodeTerminal from 'qrcode-terminal'import { FileBox } from 'wechaty'const token = your_tokenconst puppet = new PuppetPadplus({ token,})const name = your_nameconst bot = new Wechaty({ name, puppet, // generate xxxx.memory-card.json and save login data for the next login})var baoshi: RegExp = new RegExp('报时.*') // 正则表达式,群名以“报时”开头//报时器,整点触发async function hourReport() { //当前时间 var time = new Date(); //小时 var hours = time.getHours(); //分钟 var mins = time.getMinutes(); //秒钟 var secs = time.getSeconds(); //下一次报时间隔 var next = ((60 - mins) * 60 - secs) * 1000; //设置下次启动时间 setTimeout(hourReport, next); //整点报时,因为第一次进来mins可能不为0所以要判断 const room = await bot.Room.find({topic:baoshi}) var request = require('request') request.get({url:''}, function (error, response, body) { if (error) { console.log('Error :', error) return } console.log(' Body :', body) if(body.length > 0){ room?.say(body) } })}bot.on('scan', (qrcode, status) => { if (status === ScanStatus.Waiting) { QrcodeTerminal.generate(qrcode, { small: true }) } })bot.on('login', async (user: Contact) => { console.log(`login success, user: ${user}`) //启动报时器 hourReport(); })bot.on('message', async (msg: Message) => { console.log(`msg : ${msg}`) var room = msg.room() var topic = '' if(room){ topic = await room.topic() } var contact = msg.from() //直接推给python处理,我们获得回复内容 var request = require('request') var formData = { text: msg.text(), roomtopic: topic, date: JSON.stringify(msg.date()), contactid: contact?.id, } try{ // 所有的东西都推到后端用python处理request.post({url:'', formData: formData}, function (error, response, body) { if (error) { console.log('Error :', error) return } console.log(' Body :', body) var response = JSON.parse(body) if(body.length > 0){ const type: string = response['type'] if(type=='image'){ const path: string = response['content'] const filebox: FileBox = FileBox.fromFile(path) if(room){ console.log('准备发啦!') room.say(filebox) }else{ contact?.say(filebox) } }else if(type=='text'){ const text: string = response['content'] if(room){ room.say(text) }else{ contact?.say(text) } }else{ //什么也不做 } } }) }catch(e){ console.log(e) } })安装 wechaty 和 qrcode-terminal

npm install wechaty@latestnpm install wechaty-puppet-padplus@latestnpm install qrcode-terminal这一步我遇到了点问题,装着装着就卡住不动了,因为某些不可描述的原因国外的网站连接质量不好,我们需要使用代理:

npm config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org然后安装就好了。


# backend.pyfrom flask import Flaskfrom flask import requestimport jsonimport datetimeapp = Flask(__name__)# 全局变量name = '报时'model = r'淦!已经/h点/m分了!你今天学习了吗?'# 获取报时内容def gettext(): response_text = '' status = False for c in model: if not status: if c == chr(92): status = True else: response_text += c else: status = False if c == chr(92): response_text += c elif c == 'h': response_text += str(datetime.datetime.now().hour) elif c == 'm': response_text += str(datetime.datetime.now().minute) elif c == 's': response_text += str(datetime.datetime.now().second) else: pass return response_textdef handle(data): global model text = data['text'] if len(text) >= 6 and text[:4] == '修改模板': model = text[5:] return json.dumps({'type': 'text', 'content': '修改大成功!现在的模板是:/n'+model}) elif text == '报时': return json.dumps({'type': 'text', 'content': gettext()}) else: return json.dumps({'type': 'null'})@app.route('/message', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def message(): if request.method == 'POST': data = request.form print(data) roomtopic = data['roomtopic'] if roomtopic: # 是群 if len(roomtopic) >= 2 and roomtopic[0:2] == name: return handle(data) return json.dumps({'type':'null'})# 返回当前报时内容@app.route('/clock', methods=['GET'])def clock(): return gettext()if __name__ == '__main__':app.run()启动服务(可以使用 screen 同时运行两个程序):

ts-node bot.tspython3 backend.py大功告成!



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