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时间:2022-04-15 18:54:01 | 来源:行业动态

时间:2022-04-15 18:54:01 来源:行业动态

As we exit the pandemic and are experiencing a new digital reality, cyberthreats have never been greater. Each January if you looked back on the prior year youd be able to say the same thing for the past several decades. And the reality is that the budget allocations and subsequent spending on cyber are asymmetric to the economic risks. In other words, the 5 billion or so spent on cybersecurity doesnt square with the trillions of dollars in value lost each year to cybercrime. We dont spend enough as it is and probably cant spend our way out of this problem.



CISOs have to balance their legacy installed base security infrastructure with the shift to zero-trust, accelerated endpoint, new access management challenges and an ever-expanding cloud. And much more. Very few have the benefit of a blank sheet of paper.


Lack of talent remains the single biggest challenge for organizations, which are stretched thin making investments in automation a trend that is not going to abate any time soon.


In cyber, all the cliches apply: There is no silver bullet. There is no rest for the weary. The adversaries are well-funded and extremely capable and they have to succeed only once to create a business disaster for an organization, whereas an organization must succeed every minute of every day. So expect more of the same with no end in sight in terms of complexity, fragmentation and Whac-A-Mole approaches to fighting cyber crime.


It hurts to say this, but it just means the fundamentals for this sector just keep getting better. Thats bad news, but its the reality for organizations trying to protect their data and its good news with lots of opportunities for investors.




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